Thursday, April 23, 2015

Towards a Superior Form of Social Inequality

The poor of this world are not like the poor of olden times. It is time the poor of this world leave the poor of olden times in a state of horrific demise.

All the most usable and pertinent information for one's survival and even betterment are online now. The poor of the third world have cellphones, and the homeless of the industrialized world often have cellphones or at least online access at libraries. So with that we can say nearly all the Earth's human inhabitants have access to the global knowledge base.

In 1992...

In 1992 I was working in stealth mode for an environmental advocacy organization. I was privy to knowledge of cancerous and birth defects causing industries, including their locations and statistics of the disease effects locally. 

As a strategist in war or politics one must always be capable of seeing what is, not just what ought to be. I saw in 1992 that disease causing industries where two things: 1) an integral part of the material culture we as humans depended on 2) they were not evenly distributed across all the environment. Of those I saw Number 2 "not evenly distributed across all the environment" as the more a container of possible solutions.

The solution was simple -move away from the problem. The solution relied on two things: access to information (e.g. where are the industries that pollute disease causing output) and mobility

In 1994 I did move away...from a region setting records in obesity and cancer to a region with those diseases far more rare. I was poor, and yet managed to save myself by simple use of information and mobility. 

This is the moral imperative to the with your mind and your feet. Save yourselves...not your birthplace...not your "hood"...and not all life. 

Migrate to areas with smarter, healthier people and call these new neighbors brothers and sisters. 

Differentiate from the poor of olden times.

Help humans diverge into two distinct species of the ignorant and diseased versus the informed and healthy. That kind of evolutionary trend is the moral imperative of the pragmatist. 

Be well.